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Do you get the most out of your data? Learn how to maximize your ROI without wasting time or investing in new tools.

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Our goal is to make data impact as simple and cost-effective as possible.

Take advantage of your data now, irrespective of your internal level of digitization or your analytics capabilities:

Just imagine:

The Scalework System

is based on most up-to-date research on Data Analytics and 1,000+ interviews with relevant decision-makers.

leverages our experience from several hundreds of Data Science projects that the Scalework team has delivered in the past.

has been successfully applied by over 500 companies in the past.

What you will get?

What others have to say?

Customer voices on what working with SCALEWORK is like

Meet the key people behind the Masterclass at SCALEWORK

Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker

“Next to advising organizations and build data-driven business models, I am a professor of Data Science at the Münster School of Business (MSB). During my time at McKinsey & Company’s, I supported clients across the globe building data-driven solutions for their most pressing business problems and enabling analytics transformations.”

Dr. Elena Cramer

“I am a mathematician with a Phd from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology who loves data and to code. I have many years of experience as a data scientist and in cloud computing services. I like going over research papers and try out models to different out of context problems. But what excites me most is solving real business problems using AI.”

Ulrich Busch

“I am a Business Analytics Expert, with vast experience in data-driven and AI-powered transformations. With Scalework, I want to offer decision-makers the chance to take advantage of their data, irrespective of their internal level of digitization or analytics capability. My goal is to make data impact as simple and cost-effective as possible.”

Hunter Dunlap

“I am an experienced data scientist, and our data products lead at Scalework. With his background in computer science and law, Hunter loves to look at the big picture for problems and heavily emphasizes the importance of clear communication for solving problems.”

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